History-Modern Period of India(After 1858)
Revolt of 1857 was the first organized large scale rebellion by soldiers of British East India Company. after the revolt EIC strengthened the government structure and made reforms in education, …
Revolt of 1857 was the first organized large scale rebellion by soldiers of British East India Company. after the revolt EIC strengthened the government structure and made reforms in education, …
In the early 18th century under the Peshwas, The Marathas consolidated and ruled over Southern India and in the North Sikh empire expanded under leadership of Maharaja Ranjeet Singh. In …
Mughal dynasty was Muslim dynasty of Turkish-Mongol origin that ruled most of India in the 16th to 18th century. The Mughal was remarked for its more than two centuries of …
The period from 1206 AD to 1526 AD in Indian Medieval History is known as the Delhi Sultanate period. This period of three hundred years, Delhi saw rule of five …
In this part Northern state of India-J&K is mentioned with related information and disputes between India – Pakistan. Other topics are Bio diversity area, lakes, waterfalls, atomic centers with details …
Apart from general reference books it is tried to relate the Indian Geography with Current Affairs. All the major events related to geo-political, international relations, strategically importance are tried to …
Physical Geography is scientific study of the natural features of the Earth’s surface, land, climate, currents, winds etc. In this part of Geography we discuss about the features of Earth, …
ब्रिटिश काल में, अधिकांश आदिवासी राजस्थान में ब्रिटिश सत्ता का विरोध करते थे, जिसमें भील जनजाति ब्रिटिश सरकार के खिलाफ दृढ़ता से खड़ी थी। मराठा और भीलों ने ब्रिटिश सरकार …
पुरातत्व के अनुसार, राजस्थान का इतिहास पूर्व-पाषाण युग से शुरू होता है, जो अरावली में नदियों के किनारे बनास नदी के किनारे पर बसा था, राजस्थान में खुदाई से पता …
राजस्थान इतिहास लेखन में समृद्ध रहा है, नैन्सी-ख्याति 1829 को एक महत्वपूर्ण मोड़ के रूप में देखा जाता है। कर्नल टॉड का प्रसिद्ध वर्णन “एनल्स” 1829 में इंग्लैंड से प्रकाशित …